12 days

Our son (BBL) wants to be here at the NICU every day. Who can blame him? His sister lives here. 

He held her for real today. And held her for longer than I expected him to remain interested. 

He leaned down and kissed her forehead. 

Then he whispered, “I love you, Baby Sister.”

He touched the tip of her nose and said, “I love your nose.”

He touched (oh so gently) her closed eyes and said, “I love your eyes.”

“I love your feeding tube. I love your face. I love your blanket…. {to me} Where are her toes?”

He seems sufficiently in love. I know I am. With both of them. 

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2 Responses to 12 days

  1. Carol says:

    I am about to say the obvious. This experience is good for him, helps him understand that she is real, someone he can love and does love, someone who will love him, and I think it moves jealousy way far away.


  2. Ann Darrington says:

    Super wonderful.


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